Get Business Coaching from a Multi-8 Figure Entrepreneur for only $149 p/mth!

* limited time offer *

Get Business Coaching from a Multi-8 Figure Entrepreneur for only $149 p/mth!

* limited time offer *

Why get a business coach?

Hi, I'm Rebecca.

I've grown business from 0 to 6, 7 and even 8 figures many times.

There can be huge rewards, both financially and in giving back to others. But the thing that can get you absolutely stuck is how lonely it is. Not having anyone to help you or support you, who has been there done that.

The overwhelming response when I shared this online was that you all felt the SAME.

What entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs need most is SUPPORT.

Someone who has been there, done that, made all the mistakes, and figured out what works... someone to ask questions to... someone to run ideas by... someone who is on your team.

Having a multi-8 figure entrepreneur, right there on Whatsapp who you can ask any question to, anytime, is priceless.

Having that person to bounce ideas off and get feedback & guidance from means you can grow your business at speed, earn the money you deserve, and finally make the difference you really want to make out there in the world.

This is straight talking, no-BS, anti-hustle, genuinely-caring, real-world stuff, in an private Whatsapp coaching group of other like-minded business owners who are on the same journey.

You text or voicenote me in the coaching group, where ever you are at, whatever you are dealing with or stuck on. I'll voice note back exactly what I would do, or the steps I suggest you take. Then I'm right there with you the whole rest of the way.

This is what I WISHED I had when I first started.

Please come join us. I'm so excited to get stuck in and help & support you.

Rebecca xx

OK, here's how group coaching works!


Enroll and get your special invitation to join Rebecca's exclusive WhatsApp coaching group, with like-minded business owners on the same journey as you.

Ask Questions

Post your questions in the chat. Ask anything, anytime. From founder-to-founder advice, through to technical how-to & strategy questions, marketing, growth and more.

Get Coaching

Get quick 1-2-1 replies right there in the group from Rebecca, direct to you. This is having a  personal business coach in your pocket!

Regular price $499 p/mth

Special price $299 p/mth

Founding member price only $149 p/mth

↓   Keep scrolling to see how this coaching group will help you   ↓

This group coaching will help you...

Grow a massive social media following

Use your existing knowledge for new income streams

Create a constant flow of new leads in

Sell your products & services with ease

Drop the hustle and have it be EASY

Grow into 6, 7 and 8 figures

Systemize and automate to free up your time

Feel confident and excited for all you are doing

... and so much more!

↓   Keep scrolling to see what's included in this coaching group   ↓

Why is it only $149 p/mth when most quality coaching is much more expensive?

Rebecca's normal mastermind & mentoring ranges from $15k to $32k for a year's access. It's insane value for access to someone with such huge experience. 

However Rebecca is super passionate about helping EVERYONE and she wanted a program where anyone could join, and get crazy value. 

This group structure allows her to leverage her time and for it to be affordable for you.

You get 1-2-1 replies in the group, and you can listen into the replies she sends everyone else! It's double the learning & help for a fraction of the price.

What's included in group coaching?

VALUED AT $600 p/mth

1. Access to Rebecca Page's Exclusive Whatsapp Group Coaching

This is the ONLY place you can get access to 1-2-1 direct coaching with Rebecca, at a fraction of her regular mentoring prices.

You'll be able to run any challenges you're having by Rebecca, get feedback on ideas you want to try, and step-by-step help in areas you want to grow.

Everything is aimed at giving YOU the fastest, most aligned, least-hustle-route to 10x wherever you are at to your personal goals and dreams.

VALUED AT $550 p/mth

2. Accelerated mastermind mentoring with step-by-step guidance and support to achieve your goals

Ask personal, individual questions for your business, your products, your services, your situation... and get personalized responses from someone who has done the 0 to millions journey many times.

Text or voicenote Rebecca any question you have, and you'll receive a 1-2-1 voicenote back within 1 business day, from Rebecca directly.

OPTIONAL - If you want to go supersonic, you can even listen to voicenotes from Rebecca to others in the rest of the group so that you are fully immersed in a massive growth journey.

VALUED AT $480 p/mth

3. Mini Masterclasses on the go

You can ask any question, anytime so that you get immediate help on the areas you need it most.

In addition to this, Rebecca will host mini masterclasses right there in the Whatsapp group on specific topics through the year.

These will be 5-15mins bite-sized voicenotes on topics that you'll be voting on and choosing!


4. A Phenomenal Community of Like-Minded Business Owners

You'll be in a joint group with all the others on this same journey. Business owners just like you, who are having the same struggles and aiming for the same wins.

This isn't normal "networking", but genuine relationship building for life. You'll get to know each other, help each other and build connections and a support network.

VALUED AT $3,760

5. BONUS... Rebecca's Personal Team of Guest Experts

Over the next year, Rebecca will hand-pick her personal team she uses, and mentors she's learned under to do guest 'takeover' days where you can ask them any question and learn directly from them.

On the takeover days, you'll get an intro from the expert, a mini masterclass or two direct there on the Whatsapp group, and then they'll take questions for the rest of the day.

Ask them any question you like, and get a 1-2-1 reply there in the group.

VALUED AT $5,500

6. BONUS... Transcription of ALL the Q&As

In an epic bonus... you'll also get every single reply transcribed in a master document at the end of the year for you to save & refer to anytime you want.

This transcript is INSANE value and will be enormous.

If you just got this alone, it would be worth thousands... but you will get it completely free.

VALUE $5,000+

TOTAL VALUE $1,630 p/mth (+ $9,260 in Bonuses)

Regular price $499 p/mth

Special price $299 p/mth

Founding member price only $149 p/mth

↓   Keep scrolling to see what Rebecca's Customers & Clients say   ↓

What Rebecca's Customers Say

What can you get coaching on?

With many millions in sales, teams of over 60, online events with more than 50k attendees and enormous social experience, Rebecca is your go to for anything growth, marketing and systems. 

Where it goes to the next level is that Rebecca is highly intuitive and an energy coach. This isn't just strategy but also mind-blowing upleveling.

You can ask literally anything you want...

Strategy + Systems + Marketing + Energy + Mindset

Whatever YOU need to go to the next level for you.

The goal is for you to have a business coach right there in your pocket when you need it.

↓   Keep scrolling to find out what the Mini-Masterclasses will be on   ↓

What will the Mini-Masterclasses be on?

If theres's something you want, you can request it right there in the group! To give you a taster, some of the topics Rebecca is planning Mini-Masterclasses on are:

Funnels | Mini Memberships | Main Memberships | High Ticket | Free Challenges | Social Repurposing | Facebook Ads | Online Summits & Events | Brand Ambassador Programs | Branding | Copywriting | Facebook Pages & Profiles | Facebook Groups | Emails | Instagram | KPIs | Lead Magnets | List Building | Order Bumps | Upsells | Affiliate Programs | Retention & On-Boarding | SEO | Self-Liquidating Offers | Social Content | Systemizing & Processes | Team | TikTok | Webinars | You As A Brand | Youtube

Will this coaching work for me?

This group coaching works for anyone with a product, service or coaching business in these three main categories.  If that's you, then this will be a great fit for you!

I'm just starting my business!

I have a business! (somewhere 0 to 7 figures)

I have a side hustle!

↓   Keep scrolling to get to the juicy sign up bit!   ↓

Meet Your Coach: Rebecca Page

World #1 Money Zone Coach | Self-Made Multi-8 Figure Speaker & Entrepreneur | Intuitive Funnel & Marketing Expert |
Award Winning 0 to 20+ Million Business Owner | Founder of The Zone Method

Went from 0 to $21million in 2 years

In one business alone, generated 1+ million followers in under 18 months

Went from 0 to multi-millions twice in under 2 years

Built a totally automated top 1% Etsy shop

Sold 6x businesses

Created 1,000+ downloadable products

360+ online classes & courses

Hosted 23 online Summits with 50k+ attendees at each

Personally has 120k+ followers

“Before I discovered The Zone Method, I bought a small beauty salon for $20k. Rather than the hands-off profit I’d imagined, I ended up working all hours, in an industry I didn’t know, with constant stress about making payroll. I knew I needed help so I religiously studied funnels, marketing, systems & mindset.

A few months in, there was a massive 100-year storm & the salon flooded. At rock bottom I sat on the soaking floor and had a huge cry. My dream was gone.

When I finally got up, it was like a literal parting of the clouds… The things I’d been learning suddenly clicked together and The Zone Method was born.

Over the next year I restructured, got it to work without me & overhauled our marketing. It went from loss making to a gorgeous little business. I then sold it on to a lovely couple for $270k who still run it today (23 years later).

I’ve replicated this same growth repeatedly, tweaking and improving my methodology. Funnel set up, marketing methods, automation, processes, energy, money flow and mindset.”

- Rebecca, Founder of The Zone Method

I'm in! Sign me up

Sign up to the Gold Group Coaching program where you get 1-2-1 access and direct coaching in a Whatsapp group with Rebecca.

TOTAL VALUE $1,630 p/mth (+ $9,260 in Bonuses)

Pay Monthly

Regular price $499 p/mth

Special price $299 p/mth

Founding member price only $149 p/mth

12 month commitment | 7 day refund guarantee

Pay Upfront

Regular price $4,990

Special price $2,990

Founding member price only $1,490

Includes 12 months group coaching | 7 day refund guarantee
