Discover my bulletproof blueprint for how to grow 10k followers + $10k revenue in 30 days!

Swipe my step-by-step process for building a million dollar+ business on Instagram™

* special early bird limited offer! *

↓ Keep scrolling to see everything that’s included. It’s a lot – hope you’re ready ↓

Hi, I’m Rebecca!

I’ve built lots of businesses, and gone from 0 to 6, 7, and even 8 figures many times over.

Each time I do it, I follow my personal system for setting up, testing and growing a business. It’s a roadmap I’ve battle tested time and time again, and fine tuned into a series of steps that I rinse & repeat.

It ALWAYS includes building a massive social media following (often to over a million followers!) and monetizing it .

Since selling my last business I’ve had a ton of people ask me to share this process so they can grow their business or side hustle more easily.

I’m now sharing my bulletproof blueprint for building a massive business on repeat, and this InstaChallenge shares my exact IG process!

How do I work out what’s working, how do I grow to so many thousands of followers, and how do I get the income flowing in?

I share the behind-the-scenes for it ALL… in a step-by-step, repeatable way so you can do it too.

↓ Keep scrolling to see a breakdown of how it will work ↓

Want to know my process?

There’s a whole formula I follow to create the kind of social media presence which takes a business from 0 to hero, including:

Research what’s working on social right now

Translate that to my niche and my target customer

Nail it so I can gain new followers (and SALES!) on autopilot

Now here’s the thing…. If I’m going to be teaching my methodology, I need to have a social media presence myself! Which means I need to follow these steps for my own personal Instagram profile!

I’m starting with overhauling my personal account

I’ve had my personal IG account for yeaaaaars and gained followers because people know me from my various businesses.

But truth be told, I’ve SERIOUSLY neglected it.

I’ve really only posted my personal thoughts, what I ate for dinner, life with kiddos and various DIY projects I’ve done 😂 Not really anything remotely aligned to this NEW business I’m making 😬

So it needs some serious attention to focus it, revive it and then get it humming.

My goal is to get my account into GROWTH mode… while teaching YOU the exact steps needed.

Introducing your InstaChallenge:
30 days to 10k

I set myself a 30 day challenge, to grow my account, gaining at least 10k new followers AND $10k in revenue 🙌 all while documenting the process so you can repeat it.

In this not-to-be-repeated behind-the-scenes access, you get to see the ENTIRE process. My whole process & journey 😍 and the step-by-step for how to do it yourself.

  • My complete research process – how I find what’s working right now, what I’ll be posting etc
  • All of the how-to – how I research what posts I’ll be doing, how I create the content, how I edit it, what I post, when, all the tips & tricks and more
  • AND all the results – full stats, numbers, warts and all. What works, and what doesn’t.

I literally screenshare right there and then as I do it.

You can sit back, watch and learn… or you can literally follow along every step of the way with me. Totally up to you!

This is a process I’ve done dozens of times.

Am I nervous? YES. SO NERVOUS (I’ve literally never shared behind the scenes before).

But this kind of access to the wins, and the fails, means it’s invaluable.

Let’s do this!!!

Regular Price $2,997

Special Price $1,497

Get the Special Launch offer today for only $47

Here’s what you get:

This is not just some simple 30 day “challenge” like you’ve probably seen a thousand times before…

This is an in DETAIL, step-by-step walk through of how to analyze what is working on Instagram at any point in time (so you always know how to keep growing).

It is the course to end all courses… a 30-day process, jam packed full of information and tutorials.

Learn how to find competitors who are actually growing (vs looking impressive but secretly declining in follower growth), how to analyze what is working, and how to apply it to YOUR niche, brand & account.

The 30-days are broken into 4 phases. You can do 1 phase a week so it fits nicely into a month, or you can go at your own pace and take as long/short as you want.


Phase 1 is days 1-7. It’s all about researching how to grow on Instagram right now, who you can see is actually nailing it & why, and figuring out how to apply it to you & your goals.

You’ll start posting right from day 1, but it’s about breaking the seal. You’ll just post any ideas you’ve got. We are not trying to ‘get it right’ yet.



Phase 2 is days 8-14. Here I show the physical ‘how to’ parts. We will be making a 90 day content plan (yes so you’ve got a plan for AFTER the 30 days too!). I’ll show you how to film, edit and post.

You’ll start to get more intentional about your posts and actually start implementing the plan you’re making.

Roll Out

Phase 3 is days 15-21. Now we get into a rhythm of posting using our finished 90 day plan. We’ll start to optimize and we’ll  start to see some initial results. We’ll improve your bio, engage in the comments (optional!) and get your stories so they convert.

Now you’ll be in a regular posting cycle, working the plan we created.


Phase 4 is days 22-30. It’s now time to ramp it up. There may be things we stop doing, and others that we start. We’ll cover systems and outsourcing so that you can keep going at speed, but not have to do it all yourself!

You’ll now have a plan for the future, knowing you’ve got new followers and sales coming in with ease.

What you get:

Start anytime. Go at your own pace.

Day 1 (Research & KPI Setup)

We get our stats tracker set up, and start researching competitors who are in growth mode.

  • 1.1 What to expect (9 min)
  • 1.2 KPIs (12 min)
  • 1.3 Competitor Research (21 min)
  • 1.4 Juicy Bits (7 min)
  • 1.5 Today’s Actions (2 min)

Day 2 (Binge then Analyze)

You’ll be binging the competitors you’ve found who are growing. Analyzing what they’re doing and starting to think how you might apply it to you.

  •  2.1 Purpose (2 min)
  • 2.2 Binge & Analyze (24 min)
  • 2.3 The Results (9 min)
  • 2.4 Juicy Bits (10 min)
  • 2.5 Update From Me (8 min)
  • 2.6 Today’s Actions (4 min)

Day 3 (The Funnel)

I share my way I do my funnels and how that’s going to result in more followers & sales for you. You then create your funnel plan. Whether you already sell things or not, this is critical thinking for how it will all pull together later on in the Challenge.

  • 3.1 Let’s Do Funnels First (2 min)
  • 3.2 The Funnel Part A (16 min)
  • 3.3 The Funnel Part B (14 min)
  • 3.4 The Funnel Part C (11 min)
  • 3.5 Update From Me (7 min)
  • 3.6 Today’s Actions

Day 4 (What To Post)

Now we start to take what’s working, and figure out how to apply it for you. The analysis is a little forensic but very easy to follow. This is where you start to get a sneak peek of how it’s all going to click together later on.

  •  4.1 Why This Next (3 min)
  • 4.2 What’s Working (6 min)
  • 4.3 Implementing This For You (3 min)
  • 4.4 Real Life Example Part A (17 min)
  • 4.5 Real Life Example Part B (10 min)
  • 4.6 Update From Me (9 min)
  • 4.7 Today’s Actions

Day 5 (B Roll Brag)

The B Roll Brag is the first style of post I found in my research that is just nailing it in terms of followers & selling. We dive deep into it with examples and I lay out exactly what it needs to include and how to apply this for you.

  • 5.1 B Roll Brag Format (9 min)
  • 5.2 The B Roll Bank (7 min)
  • 5.3 Examples (20 sec)
  • 5.4 Update From Me
  • 5.5 Today’s Actions

Day 6 (Value Reels)

The Value Reel is the second type of post that’s working. Again there’s a step-by-step and examples. Then you apply it for yourself.

  • 6.1 Value Reel Format (5 min)
  • 6.2 Examples
  • 6.3 Update From Me
  • 6.4 Today’s Actions

Day 7 (Repeating Carousels)

The Repeating Carousel seems to be a newer one that’s working but it’s giving major growth so we dive into this with a step-by-step and examples.

  • 7.1 Repeating Carousel Format (10 min)
  • 7.2 Examples
  • 7.3 Update From Me
  • 7.4 Today’s Actions

Day 8 (90 Day Plan)

This is where we’ll take all of the research and start mapping out your 90 day plan. Today I show you how I come up with 90 topics, questions and teaching points in under an hour. You’ll give this a try yourself, and then through this week we will refine & improve it so you can actually use it with ease.

  • 8.1 30 vs 90 Days (9 min)
  • 8.2 Posting Goals (7 min)
  • 8.3 Topics & Questions (10 min)
  • 8.4 Content Pillars vs Topics (1 min)
  • 8.5 Teaching Points (13 min)
  • 8.6 Other Niche Example (8 min)
  • 8.7 Filling In The Plan (22 min)
  • 8.8 The Viral Posts Method (14 min)
  • 8.9 Update From Me
  • 8.10 Today’s Actions

Day 9 (Captions) 

Demystifying hooks, CTAs and captions. I analyze what’s working at the moment, and we get these added onto your 90 day plan. Your plan is now starting to look like something you can actually use!

  • 9.1 Hooks (18 min)
  • 9.2 CTA (6 min)
  • 9.3 Caption (3 min)
  • 9.4 Putting It All Together (10 min)
  • 9.5 Update From Me
  • 9.6 Today’s Actions

Day 10 (B Roll Brag – Filming, Editing, Drafting)

I show you my whole process for B Roll Brags. How I plan it, film, edit and get it drafted in Instagram. You will then follow along with one of your B Roll Brags. This is us actually doing it together, step-by-step.

Day 11 (Value Reel – Filming, Editing, Drafting)

Same as yesterday but for Value Reels. A full tutorial on the whole process that you can just follow.

Day 12 (Repeating Carousel – Filming, Editing, Drafting)

And lastly a full tutorial on Repeating Carousels! Planning, filming, editing & drafting up in the Instagram app.

Day 13 (ManyChat)

Finally… we learn ManyChat!!! I’ll go through the theory, do a demonstration how it works, and then we actually get it set up and working for you. You’ll give it a try and activate it for your account. You will hopefully feel like it makes total sense now.

Day 14 (Hashtags)

And then… we add hashtags. I show my research on whether they work or not, and how we’re going to approach it. After today, you’ll have all the elements so that from now onwards, you’ll be posting according to your 90 day plan, with all the info you need at your fingertips. Next week will be the first full week of using your 90 day plan.

Day 15 (Bio Optimization)

We haven’t done this yet because getting the right posts in the right format for whats working now is way more important. However now we are posting regularly, it’s time to get your bio spot on for your ideal client. We’ll be researching what works and then updating everything including your photo, description, name, link, reel/post covers and story highlights.

Day 16 (Stories | Binge & Analyze)

Posting regularly on your stories (and getting good engagement on your stories) is critical to the overall speed of growth. Here I go through what stories are, how to use them and then analyze what our competitors are doing.


Day 17 (Stories | Planning)

Now we create a plan for our stories. What will we be posting, when, how frequently and more. Get your stories up with ease quickly, once a day.

Day 18 (Stories | Filming, Editing & Posting)

Learn how to post each of the story types (watch me actually post), and how to use the engagement options.

Day 19 (Engagement | Hacks)

There are a ton of different things various ‘gurus’ say are ‘hacks’. Learn what actually matters, which ones to avoid like the plague, which ones are so-so and which ones are actually incredibly good practice.

Day 20 (Engagement | Trends & New Features)

There are new trends people are doing on social, and new features coming out all the time. It can be completely overwhelming. Here we go through what are the important ones so you can block out the noise and focus on on-brand growth.

Day 21 (Engagement | Dollar Eighty Method)

The $1.80 method is a popular method of engaging with other accounts to help you grow. Does it still work and is it advised? Here we dive into the details, along with going through the one thing you must categorically avoid.

Day 22 (Insights & KPIs)

Dive into all the stats. Yes, the overall stats for your account, but also the stats for individual posts. Being able to analyze what’s working means you can repeat it with ease (and repost your most popular posts!).

Day 23 (Instagram Monetization)

ll the main ways you can easily monetize your Instagram (and how to do them!)… your own products, digital courses/downloads, Amazon affiliate, other affiliates links, websites like Like to Know and of course the actual Instagram Monetization program.

Day 24 (Upsells, Cross Sells & Order Bumps)

ow to go from a simple Instagram post… to a low-value order… to orders totaling hundreds and even thousands. Simple use of social proof, upsells people desperately want, cross sells inside your programs and order bumps 60% or more of people will buy (yes really!).

Day 25 (List Building)

Using Instagram to build your mailing list is essential. It means you own all your contacts and can sell in future with minimal cost (and not worry what the algorithm is doing). How to go from a post to having people on your list, then what to do after that. Plus ideas for if you don’t have any lead magnets yet (spoiler alert, you can do this without a lead magnet!)

Day 26 (Instagram Ads)

Do you need Instagram Ads? No. You can do all of this without ads. However if you choose to try some, we’ll go through the basics… where to start, what a sponsored post is, followers vs sales vs leads ads, and how to know for sure an ad is going to work before you spend any money on it (post organically first!). Also manychat ad options.

Day 27 (Organization)

See how I organize my posts, all my content ideas, and what I’m doing in future. Folders, notes and more. A simple organization system can make posting SO much easier and quicker. No need to reinvent the wheel, I’ll screenshare and show you exactly how to get set up with ease. Plus a little bonus of how to make your own Content Bank so you’ve always got easy things to post!

Day 28 (Reusing & Repurposing)

Not ready to dive into this level of research & planning on every social platform you’re on? Me neither. Here’s how I reuse and repurpose my content across all my platforms in a simple & incredibly easy fashion.

Day 29 (Outsourcing)

If you’re ready to have someone else help you with it, today is the day! See my simple systems for having other people do a large chunk of it for you. Massive results, with minimal effort.

Day 30 (Days 31-90)

Before we finish, it’s time to make sure you are all set up ready for the next 60 days and beyond. This is about having sales and new followers flowing in forever more from your Instagram.

Here’s EVERYTHING you get… (it’s a lot!)

The InstaChallenge: 30 days to 10k

InstaChallenge: 30 days to 10k (valued at $2,997)

  • Includes all 30 days of teaching
  • Complete behind the scenes stats and tips
  • Daily actions
  • Video lessons plus text summaries (so you can learn how you prefer)
  • Over 120+ lessons and how-tos

BONUS #1 - InstaChallenge Tracker (valued at $1,497)

BONUS #2 - Instagram Growth Phone Affirmation Wallpaper (valued at $17)

BONUS #3 - Canva Phone Wallpaper Mini Training (valued at $47)

BONUS #4 - Instagram Goals Phone Wallpaper (valued at $7)

BONUS #5 - 21x Printable Instagram Growth Affirmations (valued at $27)

BONUS #6 - The Daily Challenge Meditation for Epic Instagram Growth (valued at $147)

BONUS #7 - The Complete Instagram 'How-To' Library (valued at $977)

Total Value $5,736

Regular Price $2,997

Special Price $1,497

Get the Special Launch offer today for only $47

Your Bonuses


InstaChallenge Tracker
(valued at $1,497)

This is not just a spreadsheet, but Rebecca’s personal tracking, posting and planning system.

You’ll discover a whole new way of organizing & outsourcing so that you can finally get ahead on your posting, (even outsourcing it if you want!) and have Instagram be easy.


Instagram Growth Phone Affirmation Wallpaper
(valued at $17)

Update your phone wallpaper to this Instagram Growth affirmation for maximum positive vibes.


Canva Phone Wallpaper Mini Training
(valued at $47)

Learn how to mock up a phone wallpaper showing YOUR own Instagram account, but with your target number of followers. Now that’s visualizing!


Instagram Goals Phone Wallpaper
(valued at $7)

Canva template you can edit and update with your follower & sales goals for the Challenge.


21x Printable Instagram Growth Affirmations
(valued at $27)

Keep your mindset where you want it with these daily Instagram-specific affirmation cards.


The Daily Challenge Meditation for Epic Instagram Growth
(valued at $147)

A full energy clearing & affirmation-embedding meditation… that’s specific to growing on Instagram (MP4 and MP3 format)


The Complete Instagram ‘How-To’ Library
(valued at $997)

A full collection of quick & easy Instagram ‘how to’ videos. Everything from how to edit your profile to how to upload a reel.

Meet Your Coach: Rebecca Page

I’m a multi-8 figure entrepreneur. I’ve grown businesses from 0 to 6, 7 and even 8 figures many times… what I specialize in is combining marketing + systems with mindset + energy. What I’ve learned is the combination of having a really well set up business, with deep personal development work is key for creating a highly profitable business that you love.

Went from 0 to $21million in 2 years

In one business alone, generated 1+ million followers in under 18 months

Went from 0 to multi-millions twice in under 2 years

Built a totally automated top 1% Etsy shop

Sold 6x businesses

Created 1,000+ downloadable products

360+ online classes & courses

Hosted 23 online Summits with 50k+ attendees at each

Personally has 120k+ followers

Join me as I show you behind the scenes of how I go about building a business on Instagram. I screenshare the whole process, sharing what works (and what doesn’t!) along the way.

Just click the button below to join. Once inside you’ve got lifetime access. So you can get started anytime you like and go at your own pace.

Will this work for me?

The InstaChallenge is suitable for 3 main types of creators & business owners:

I’m just starting out on Instagram™!

I’ve had an account for a while but it’s just not growing

I’m not bothered by follower numbers but I want sales!

Still unsure? Here are some of the specific niches who I’ve worked with before and I think would MASSIVELY benefit from doing this (some have brand new accounts, others have been at a while):


Massage Therapist


Reiki Healer


Fitness Trainer


Lactation Consultant

Childbirth Educator

Mental Health Counselor

Art Therapist


EFT (Tapping) Practitioner

Dance Therapist


Occupational Therapist


Hair Stylist

Makeup Artist

Nail Technician

Fashion Stylist

Personal Shopper

Image Consultant

Interior Designer

Home Organizer

Event Planner

Wedding Planner

Virtual Assistant

Social Media Manager

Content Creator


Speech Therapist

Physical Therapist

Business Coach


Graphic Designer


Life Coach

Beauty Therapist

Health Coach

Pilates Instructor

Yoga Instructor

Meditation Teacher


Web Designer


Freelance Writer



Online Course Creator

E-commerce Store Owner

Handmade Jewelry Designer


Pet Care Specialist

Dog Trainer

Personal Chef

Nutrition Blogger

Holistic Health Practitioner

Wellness Consultant

Fitness Influencer


Financial Coach

Discover my bulletproof blueprint for how to grow 10k followers + $10k revenue in 30 days!

This is your opportunity to do my 30 days to 10k InstaChallenge…

This is the most transformational process you’ll ever do on Instagram.
As one student said “this is like a university course for growing on Instagram”.

InstaChallenge: 30 days to 10k (valued at $2,997)

  • Includes all 30 days of teaching
  • Complete behind the scenes stats and tips
  • Daily actions
  • Video lessons plus text summaries (so you can learn how you prefer)
  • Over 120+ lessons and how-tos

BONUS #1 - InstaChallenge Tracker (valued at $1,497)

BONUS #2 - Instagram Growth Phone Affirmation Wallpaper (valued at $17)

BONUS #3 - Canva Phone Wallpaper Mini Training (valued at $47)

BONUS #4 - Instagram Goals Phone Wallpaper (valued at $7)

BONUS #5 - 21x Printable Instagram Growth Affirmations (valued at $27)

BONUS #6 - The Daily Challenge Meditation for Epic Instagram Growth (valued at $147)

BONUS #7 - The Complete Instagram 'How-To' Library (valued at $977)

Total Value $5,736

Regular Price $2,997

Special Price $1,497

Get the Special Launch offer today for only $47

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need any followers to do this?

A: Nope. You just need an Instagram™ account.

Q: I’ve already got Xk followers, can I do this?

A: Yes! You can join in anywhere from 0 followers upwards! Even if you’ve got thousands already, you can jump straight in and grow more.

Q: My account is dead, can I do this?

A: Definitely! Join the club… You’ll see me use my personal account which already had some followers, but very little engagement. So I show how to both start from 0, and how to re-engage an account which feels like it’s died off.

Q: How do I access the Challenge?

A: After purchasing, you’ll get immediate access to a members portal with all the videos, tutorials, and screenshots.

Q: What results will I get?

A: I can’t answer that. Every person who goes through the InstaChallenge will have a different niche, different personal brand, different ways they then implement it. Results can’t be predicted or guaranteed in any way.

Q: How long do you think I’ll need each day?

A: You can customize this to what works for you. I generally spend 30mins a day on my socials when I’m in a 30 day sprint like this. But you can customize this to shorter or longer depending on what works for you & your schedule.

Q: When is the Challenge?

A: It’s whenever you want! You sign up, log in and get going whenever suits you best.

There’s no particular dates & it’s self-study. You get started when works best for you. It’s yours to do when suits, at whatever speed suits you.

Q: How long do I get access for?

A: Lifetime. You can watch anytime you like. Access does not expire.

Q: Can I wait and buy later?

A: Yes. However this is the Early Bird special price. It will go up.

Q: I am crazy busy right now. Can I fit this in?

A: That’s something only you can answer. You will get immediate access and can do it whenever suits best. However you will need to make time to actually dive in, and apply it. The question is really, how important is growing your account (and getting sales via it) to you? Once you know the answer, you’ll know whether you can fit this in.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes, there is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.




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