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Wait! A special one time offer

Upgrade to The Gold Zone Club… and get The Money Zone free!

$47 per month – Cancel anytime – 7 Day Refund Guarantee

If you have a business, side hustle or even a business idea…

Your Business Has A Vibration

Just like you have a vibration and money has a vibration, your business has a vibration too.

When you and your funnel, marketing & systems move into The Zone, it creates a magic that is unparalleled.

This is a brand new way of doing business.

Spending time with deca-millionaires & billionaires Rebecca noticed:

  • Some openly share about their experiences with energy & mindset…
  • Some get embarrassed by energy & mindset, fear judgment and hide it…
  • Others intuitively do energy work, but have no idea they’re even doing it…

… but without a shadow of a doubt, EVERY SUPER SUCCESSFUL PERSON applied the ENERGY OF MONEY to their FUNNELS, MARKETING & SYSTEMS. Whether they realized it or not.

What this program teaches in a world exclusive is how you actually DO THIS via a simple 3 step process (without having to already have multi-millions in the bank).

Your Gold Zone Coach: Rebecca Page

World #1 Money Zone Coach | Self-Made Multi-8 Figure Speaker & Entrepreneur | Intuitive Funnel & Marketing Expert | Award Winning 0 to 20+ Million Business Owner | Founder of The Zone Method

Rebecca is unlike ANY mentor or teacher you’ve worked with previously.

Rebecca is highly intuitive. Yes she will teach you  how to sort out your offers & funnels and get all the systems & marketing you need in place… but she will also go far deeper than you’ve ever been, helping you release both personal and business resistance so you can create & attract the results that finally align with your goals & dreams.

Learn from the expert who’s done it, who’s doing it now and who gets what it’s really like. Who understands the mess that comes with building a multi-million pound business. Who has big dreams, helps others achieve their goals and who wants to make an actual difference.

Went from 0 to $21million in 2 years

Generated 1+ million followers in under 18 months

Went from 0 to multi-millions twice in under 2 years

Plus… Built a totally automated top 1% Etsy shop, sold 6x businesses, created 1,000+ downloadable products & 360+ online classes & courses, 23 online Summits with 50k+ attendees at each

In the Gold Zone Club you will discover

How To “Zone-ify” Your Business

Clear Resistance + Align to Profit + Take Aligned Actions


Disocver blockages & resistance in your funnels, marketing, systems and more. Release these and clear the path.


Change your frequency and the frequency of the business. Align for money flowing through the activity you are working on.


Send the email, post the social media post, do whatever the thing is. But do it in a way that is ALIGNED to the vibration of money.

Welcome to The…

Finally unlock the missing link and learn how to fine tune the Vibrational Alignment of your business. Release resistance, clear blocks, align to the Vibration of Money and bring your business into The Zone.

$47 per month – Cancel anytime – 7 Day Refund Guarantee

In a unique world-first, you will learn

Strategy + Vibrational Alignment

If you are new to business learning, you can rest assured we cover the basics of each strategy (eg the ‘how to’ for social media growth, funnels etc) so there is step-by-step support for you to implement with ease.

However if you are more advanced and have already done a ton of ‘how to’ learning, the Gold Zone is NOT teaching you to suck eggs.

You’ll go WAY beyond the ‘traditional’ strategies & marketing techniques you’ll have learned before. You’ll finally unlock the missing piece. The vibrational alignment through it all.

Imagine… releasing resistance BEFORE you click post on that new video you want to upload to Instagram. Asking your energy, is this post fully aligned with my ideal customers, my ideal profit level and going to bring in new leads? Clearing resistance all the way through your funnel so your ideal clients just slide right on in…

On the inside…

You Will Receive:

A Monthly Full 1-3 hour Masterclass, where you will  learn both the ‘how-to’ AND the energetic component (valued at $497 every month)

A Monthly “How To” Masterclass Checklist, so you can go implement the strategy and achieve maximum growth, with ease and speed (valued at $97 every month)

A Monthly Zone Method Masterclass Checklist, so you know step-by-step where check for vibrational alignment, how to release resistance and what to align to… and can unlock that money flow! (valued at $143 every month)

BONUS… The Money Zone Club INCLUDED FOR FREE! All the 9 Foundational Modules, Monthly Meditations, Monthly Money Vibration Raising Exercises, and all the bonuses (valued at $3,167)

BONUS… Private Members-Only Support Group, so you can get personalized help from Rebecca & our expert Mentors in applying the strategies and vibrational shifts to you and your business (PRICELESS)

Total Value = $737 every month

Plus Bonuses

Today’s Price = Only $47 per month

$47 per month – Cancel anytime – 7 Day Refund Guarantee

Sneak Peek Time…

Your Masterclass Schedule:

Customer Avatar (Alignment & Setup)

May 2024

This is Avatar creation in a way you won’t have done before! This is not just “Mary with 3 kids who lives in Idaho”. Yes you will clarify the “who”, but you will create a vibrational connection to your clients, creating an energetic promise and clearing the path. Includes: Creating your 3 avatar types, what the transformation is or ‘big promise’ your services/products sell them, planning income routes for different stages, how this ties into your funnel, clearing resistance between you/your business/your team/your products and them, clearing resistance to them purchasing and creating an aligned vibration for them to purchase.

Funnels (Overall Vibration)

June 2024

You may have seen diagrams of funnels before, literally like a funnel you use in the kitchen. This is NOT that. This is more of a mind map of what your business is now, and in the future… With energy pipes between contact points, client flows and vibrational touch points. This will become your map for the next 2-5 years that you’ll work from daily. From an income perspective we will look for the client journey, where any exit points are, how clients are served and what their investment vs return is. From an energy perspective we’ll clear the funnel, create flow paths and plug holes.

Mini Membership (Starting & Scaling)

July 2024

If you’ve got any preconceptions about what a mini membership is & why you might have one (or why you couldn’t possibly have one!), put them aside for a moment. You’ll discover why this is the foundation for scaling, how to create a mini membership from your existing products/services/ideas, how to set it up most efficiently and quickly, and how to manage it. We’ll then also clear resistance to creating one, release limiting beliefs such as why clients would pay for it, and expand your money containers & flows to align to it. The topic might be familiar but the approach will be transformational to how you consider your business to run.

Main Membership (Profit & Impact)

August 2024

No matter what your products, consider you can have a mid-priced membership that runs on auto-pilot, scales for massive profit and creates an impact far beyond what you’ve considered before. We’ll cover how you can create enormous recurring income from both existing and new products/services, and how to deliver this one-to-many model. Energetically there will be income paths to clear, likely blockages to remove and new Zones to connect.

Free Challenges (Lead Generation)

September 2024

If you’d like an additional 1k, 10k or even 100k ideal clients on your mailing list, then this is one for you! Running a free Challenge or Workshop online is something you can setup in just a few hours, and can generate new hot leads on your newsletter list faster than you can blink. We’ll cover all the tips, tricks and step-by-steps Rebecca picked up in her most (and least) successful challenges she’s done. We will also cover exactly what you need to Zone-ify a challenge or workshop so attracts a ton of people, magnetizes YOUR ideal client and converts to sales.

Social Repurposing (Alignment To Millions Of Views)

October 2024

How do you create a 1 year daily content calendar, that scales into thousands of pieces of content, in just a few hours a week? And how do you then connect those thousands of pieces of content so your ideal client sees them, watches and engages? Yes there is a system. Yes there is an energy release & alignment. Yes we will cover both.

Facebook Ads (Fueling The Profit Machine)

November 2024

There is nothing like Facebook ads for scaling at speed. It’s clean & fast. But to go from guessing to nailing it takes (a) a system, steps, tech know-how and a structured ads template…. and (b) an energetic flow finding & connecting your ideal client all the way through to repeat sales. You’ll get over $1.4million in profitable ads spend in experience in one masterclass.

Online Summits (50k Attendees and Beyond)

December 2024

With 23 online summits under her belt (each with a minimum of 50k attendees), Rebecca is going to go behind the scenes of the planning, structure, setup, and more. How do you go from doing-it-all-yourself to leveraging a team to run the whole thing? How do you market it? Who will your speakers be? What will you sell people? How on earth do you get the signups? It’s a system and it’s suprisingly easy to follow, including how to clear the energy, calling in your guides to host with you, and magnetizing sales.

Next topics after this (order to be decided):

  • Books (Bestselling Expertise)
  • Brand Ambassador Programs (Creating Brand Champions and Ambassador Alchemy)
  • Branding (Your Brand + Your Energy Signature)
  • Copywriting (Compelling Copy That Connects Energetically)
  • Facebook Pages & Profiles (Energy & Steps To A Huge Fanbase)
  • Facebook Groups (The FB Zone: Selling, Support & Connection)
  • Emails (Personal Communication At Scale)
  • High Ticket Sales (Profit & Connection)
  • Influencer Programs (Crafting Collaborations)
  • Instagram (The InstaZone)
  • KPIs / Key Performance Indicators (Expanding Your Money Max With Stats)
  • LinkedIn (Mastering The Connection)
  • Lead Magnets (Magnetic Offers & Staying In The Zone)
  • List Building (300k+ Lists)
  • Order Bumps (Maximising Value… And Average Order Value))
  • Pinterest (The Pin Power Zone)
  • Referrals & Affiliate Programs (Turning Up the Volume)
  • Retention & On-Boarding (Raving Fans You Actually Know)
  • SEO (Automating Growth)
  • SLOs / Self Liquidating Offers (Self-Fueling Sales Strategies)
  • Social Content (Finding & Creating Viral Content)
  • Systemising & Processes (Going Hands-Off, In The ZoNe)
  • Social Growth (Your First Million Followers)
  • Team (Building Your Dream Zone Team)
  • TikTok (The Tok Zone)
  • Webinars (Why, Where, When and How)
  • You as a Brand (The Power of You)
  • Youtube (The YT Zone)

Total Value = $737 every month

Plus Bonuses

Today’s Price = Only $47 per month

$47 per month – Cancel anytime – 7 Day Refund Guarantee

What members say

Testimonials from my students

Frequently asked questions

Q: I’m already signed for The Money Zone Club. Will I be charged twice?

A: Our team check every sign up for The Gold Zone Club personally. If you have already registered and paid for The Money Zone Club, don’t worry. The team will either refund or credit your account for The Money Zone Club. Then going forward you will only pay for The Gold Zone Club… but get access to both 🙂

Q: I have done a ton of learning & courses previously. How is this different?

A: Yes this will cover topics you might have learned about before (eg Facebook Ads, Memberships, SEO etc). Yes it will include the ‘how to’ but the part you won’t have learned before is the vibrational alignment (eg how to release resistance from your sales page, your emails, your website etc).

Q: I am only just starting my first business, is this suitable?

A: Yes! Whether you have already got an enormous business, or whether this is your very first side hustle, there will be something for you. Each masterclass will cover a new strategy. There will be a how-to that anyone could follow and a step-by-step guide for the vibrational alignment.

Q: How much support is included?

A: Members receive 24hr Mon-Fri written support included which means that you will get all your questions answered within our members-only support group within 1 business day.

Q: Do I need to do every Masterclass?

A: It’s up to you:

  • There will be people who are brand new to business who will be doing every step every month.
  • There will be others who already have many of the strategies set up in their businesses, and are really only here for the vibrational part.
  • Then there will be others where they dip in and dip out according to their needs.

How you do the program is up to you. If you know how you want to do it, do that way. If you’re not sure, follow every Masterclass.

Q: What do the Masterclasses cover?

A: There is a full list of the scheduled & planned Masterclasses above. For each you will get the exact ‘how to’ that Rebecca uses in her businesses (eg step-by-step how to do it / implement). You will also get a full releasing resistance & vibrational alignment checklist. The magic comes in doing both the strategy AND the vibrational work.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes, there is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.




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